Here at Petty’s, there are so many ‘unsung heroes’ behind the scenes that firmly keep the wheels of the business turning and we thought it was about time, we revealed ‘Phil’s Angels’ who provide unwavering support to the professional department on a daily basis.
Phil Kelly has his very own 6-aside team supporting his department and more often than not, they are a key point of contact for people calling the office. So, here we put some names to faces with a bit of background on each lady you may or may not know from both a business and personal perspective!
Heidi is one of the secretaries who started her role with Petty’s back in March 2004! Over eight years on and she is part of the fixtures and fittings splitting her role in two by working in the agency department in the morning and the professional department in the afternoon – it is having the change to work in both departments that Heidi most loves about her job.
What does working for Petty’s mean to you?
It means so much – it has been fantastic to be part of such a growing, confident business. I feel safe in the knowledge that I am part of a long established firm that I am confident will continue to grow.
How has the business grown since you started?
Without doubt I have seen the Professional Department grow considerably and over the past few years, the Lettings Department are following suit and of course, we now have a Barrowford and Preston office.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Eating out, walking and socialising with friends.
Sally is another invaluable Secretary who first joined the firm in 1989! Quite literally part of the furniture, Sally carries out all secretarial and admin duties and still relishes the daily challenges of completing each task and report.
What has been the highlight for you this month?
That’s an easy one – visiting my son at Glasgow University having not seen him for 8 weeks.
What does working for Petty’s mean to you?
I have always enjoyed what I do and that is why I am still here! With all the exciting times and growth of the business, it hopefully means a secure job too!
How has the business grown since you started?
Hugely, there are a lot more surveyors, a new Professional department and an expansion of the lettings department.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Shopping, cinema, reading, walking, travel and eating out.
Our third Secretary within the department is Yvette who first started way back in June 1994 reflecting just how loyal the team is with so many long serving team members. Yvette to this day continues to embrace her role striving for perfection every step of the way.
What has been the highlight for you this month?
Watching a live band at the beginning of the month and looking forward to going out with some colleagues at the end of the month.
What do you love about your job?
Having the responsibility of typing and presenting reports to a high standard as my work is basically the end product which clients receive and therefore contributes towards a professional representation of the company.
How has the business grown since you started?
There have been so many! From memory, it was the opening of a Barrowford residential sales office and Burnley commercial sales office moving to Imperial Chambers where we remain today. When I started with the company I worked in the surveying department consisting of 1 surveyor and 1 secretary – how things have changed! A commercial survey department and residential survey department were formed at different offices and then eventually the two departments were amalgamated to form a Professional Department at Imperial Chambers. One of the biggest changes is that the surveyors now travel further afield as they used to do jobs more locally in the East Lancashire area only, but now, they travel as far south as London as we have UK representation.
What does 2013 hold for you and Petty’s?
Hopefully I will still be employed in the Professional Department and the company continues to stay strong in the current economic climate.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Music and watching bands, cinema, eating out, walking and pets.
Andrea is another Secretary to the team of Surveyors who started with the firm in June 2008. With responsibility for all manner of duties including typing reports, taking instructions over the telephone, answering telephone queries, admin and updating spread sheets she is another key cog in the Petty wheel.
What has been the highlight for you this month?
We work hard but enjoy spending time together outside of the office walls too so one highlight was going out for a meal with the girls in the office.
What do you love about your job?
Aside from the daily duties, it is ensuring our reports are professionally presented and delivered on time. I work with a great team of other administrative staff so coming to work is never a chore! Personally, over the years, I have built a strong rapport with different lenders whom I am well acquainted so this is something I am proud of as this benefits the team and our customers.
How has the business grown since you started?
The Professional and Commercial Departments have merged which allows us to have a wider scope of the type of properties we report on. New procedures have been implemented which allows us to all work in the same manner and this ensure effectiveness and ease of new procedures.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Shooting and socialising. I am also a member of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ales) which has meant that I have been involved in the setting up of beer festivals, mainly as a Staffing Officer (on a volunteer basis only).
Completing the team of secretaries in the Professional department is Paula Drabble who joined the team in 2001 and cites the people she works with as one of the main reasons she loves her job so much.
What does working for Petty’s mean to you?
Being a working parent with young children Petty’s are very helpful to me by being flexible so that I can still go to school assemblies and plays and so that I never miss out on magical moments.
How has the business grown since you started?
I have worked in various departments at Petty’s throughout my employment which has given me such a breadth of experience and which also allowed me to see how each area of the businesses is growing. I have worked through the big boom which was manic and then the recession in which Petty’s continued to grow.
What does 2013 hold for you and Petty’s?
With all the positive moves being taken by the firm at the moment, I am hopeful my job will still be secure.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy my weekends spending time with my children.
Last but by no means least, is one of our newest recruits, Kelly Parker who started with Petty’s in March 2011. Her role in reception and admin means that our team of busy surveyors are kept in order with well managed diaries and are supported by Kelly when they need her to deal with banks and private customers, negotiating fee quotes and generally responding to all manner of enquiries.
What has been the highlight for you recently?
Getting a new dog and looking forward to a week off visiting family and friends in York.
What do you love about your job?
I do really enjoy dealing with the public, providing excellent customer service and getting good feedback from customers.
What does working for Petty’s mean to you?
I am lucky to be working with a good supportive team and of course the job security working for a successful and growing business brings..
What do you like about the industry?
Dealing with all the different customers and having an understanding of how the industry operates.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Spending time with family and friends, keeping fit and having breaks away.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.