We are continuing our winning format at this weekend’s Barrowford Festival and holding a pop-up cake stall at our office on Gisburn Road. The Petty cake stall has become a regular feature over the years and serves as a welcome pit stop for all the weary walkers on the walk and has raised thousands of pounds.
Ian Bythell our Residential Director said “The cake stall is so successful on the pub walk we thought we’d try it during the festival too. We get donations from staff and family and friends so it really is a team effort and all the money we raise will go to our Corporate Challenge effort for Pendleside Hospice”
The hospice costs almost £4.2 million each year to run, of which £3.2 million is raised locally through individual and organised fundraising initiatives like the Corporate Challenge which see’s local businesses given £50 which they then have to turn into as much money as possible over a four period.
Christina Cope from Pendleside Hospice said “The Corporate Challenge is now in its fourth year and Petty have been involved from the start. To have local companies like Petty support us in this way year on year really does make a difference. Support from the community and local businesses is vital in helping us keep the hospice going and allowing us to continue the important work the hospice does in helping people living with life-limiting illnesses”
Ian added “The festival is always well attended and we know how generous the people of Pendle are so we’re hoping for a good turn out and are encouraging everyone to pop into our pop-up shop and buy a cake or two. You can ease your guilt of eating cake by knowing you’re doing it for a good cause”
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.