With the explosion of social media over recent years using social networking sites has now become an essential business tool when reaching your target audience. Social media has transformed the way Petty’s market their properties. Petty’s social media pages are a great place to keep up to date with all their news and features such as properties of the week and company news & information allowing their customers to interact and discuss their own views.
As well as the fun side of social media, it also have a very important role to play in the success of marketing clients property. How? By using social media sharing!
One of the main reasons social media has become such an integral part of Pettys online marketing strategy is the advantage that comes with social sharing and the ability for properties from the Petty website to reach a wider audience. How can we use this to promote your house sale? Ever wondered what the little icons at the top and bottom of our property detail pages do?
They allow you to share your property details, through a huge range of social media apps, and reach a whole new target audience at the click of a button, even a few clicks from family and friends can increase exposure and promote your property page.
A simple click on the link and all your property details are there in an instant. Social sharing is a fantastic way to reach a wider audience, that might not previously have had access to your property details, in a positive manner and best of all it costs nothing! Once we have your property page up and running if you share your details with friends on your social media pages such as Facebook or Twitter you will be opening up your property to a much bigger market. It is important that you set the settings to public for the share to allow it to be seen and shared by many more people. Click on the icon of your choice and allow it to be added to your pages. Ask friends to share it for you and before you know it your property could be viewed by a potential buyer. With our new mobile site it is even easier to promote your property wherever you are. If you don’t use social media then it may be worth asking a family member or friend that does to share it for you!
Facebook alone has over 31 million users in the UK with Twitter showing a steady growth last year and now attracting 15 million Uk users. The largest demographic of Facebook users is the 25-34 year olds with just under 26% of users in this age bracket – perfect when you are selling a property suitable for a first time buyer. I think we will all agree that nearly everyone you know has a Facebook account or at least someone in their family does, it reaches everybody from teens to grandparents! Not to mention all the local specific sites in your area, try sharing your property details in a group dedicated to property sales. It will reach thousands with just one click and best of all they will be a member of the group as they have an interest in either buying or selling a property! These figures alone show the huge capacity to promote your property page and increase your chances of a successful sale so get clicking those share buttons, just a simple click of the icons on your page will transfer your details to the social media site of your choice.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.